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CFP Board-approved Capstone Course

Becoming a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ means taking your career to the next level by earning the standard of excellence certificate in financial planning. Purdue Online, in partnership with Dalton Education, is offering the stand-alone capstone course to those on the CFP Board Accelerated Path.

This expedited path is available to those who have met the coursework requirement for CFP® certification through advanced degrees or other professional certifications.

The Capstone course is a project-based course that will require students to synthesize and apply elements of comprehensive financial planning, to perform all the functions of the financial planning process and to apply the CFP Board’s practice standards. Students will create a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation with audio before completing the course.

The Capstone Course is broken into two phases.

Phase 1: consists of online self-paced learning for lessons 1 – 3 and a midterm exam. During Phase 1, students are introduced to the financial planning process and are taught how to gather and analyze client data and develop recommendations. They also view a complete financial plan presentation.

Phase 2: is the presentation portion. During Phase 2, students will watch the instructor develop and deliver a financial plan. Students will use the same techniques to develop and deliver their own financial plan.

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Students have 6 months from date of enrollment to complete this course. Users will have access to the financial statements website for one year from the date of registration. Once one year has expired, each user account will be removed from the website. Users may print or export reports from their account but may not transfer case information between accounts.

Students taking the Capstone course only are shipped their textbook upon enrollment.

* Starting January 1, 2023, the CFP Board will charge a $195 per capita fee for completion of a CFP® Certification Education program. This fee is paid directly to the CFP Board by a student when he/she completes the capstone program.

Course At A Glance

Duration: 4 to 6 weeks
Modality: Blended learning format, start at any time.
Total Commitment: 20 - 25 hours
Fee: $925*

  • Textbook included

Who Should Enroll: This program is designed for any individual who qualifies for the CFP Accelerated Path. For more information, visit the CFP website.

If you don’t qualify for the Accelerated Path, learn more about our CFP Board-approved Examination course.

Contact Information


Phone: 765-494-0959

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